Please read the below message from i3Screen (our Drug Screening Provider).

It is with great sadness that we are sending you notification of the passing of  Dr. David Nahin, MRO.


We are working to ensure that all results reported with his name beyond the date of his passing are administratively updated within the system.

CCFs & Laboratory Accounts

Please continue to use your existing supply of Custody and Control Forms (CCF). For DOT tests conducted with those paper CCFs, please cross out Dr. Nahin’s name and write: DR JAWORSKI. All other information for the MRO is correct.

All laboratories have all been notified and all new paper CCFs and electronic orders already have Janelle Jaworski, MD listed as the MRO.

If one of our other MROs is listed on your CCFs, no action is needed.


Please change the MRO name on your paper CCFs (if needed) as well as any references to Dr. Nahin in your policies or other drug free workplace related documents.

If you have references to Dr. Nahin on your website or in other marketing materials, please update to reflect Dr. Jaworski as the lead MRO at i3screen.

Please join us in our thoughts and prayers for Dr. Nahin’s family in their time of grief.


i3screen Management Team