Restriction Explanation
Prohibits salary history inquiry during hiring process Employers are prohibited from inquiring about an applicant’s past salary, per §709B Delaware Code.
State Public Employees – Ban-the-Box Provisions AFFECTS GOVERNMENT CONTRACTORS AND PUBLIC GOVERNMENT EMPLOYERS ONLY – An employer may not ask an applicant about or obtain criminal record information by any means until the applicant has the first interview (if the employer uses first interviews) AND a conditional job offer is first made to the applicant. This law is per House Bill 167 and was signed by the Governor on May 8, 2014.
Use of convictions (time limits) AFFECTS GOVERNMENT CONTRACTORS AND PUBLIC GOVERNMENT EMPLOYERS ONLY A felony conviction may only be reported ten (10) years following release from custody or from sentencing date if not in custody. A misdemeanor conviction may only be reported five (5) years following release from custody or from sentencing date if not in custody. This law is per House Bill 167 and was signed by the Governor on May 8, 2014. See Exceptions
Use of credit report AFFECTS GOVERNMENT CONTRACTORS AND PUBLIC GOVERNMENT EMPLOYERS ONLY – An employer may not consider a credit report or credit score until the applicant has the first interview (if the employer uses first interviews) AND a conditional job offer is first made to the applicant. This law is per House Bill 167 and was signed by the Governor on May 8, 2014.
Use of Social Media Password Information Employer may not request employee or applicant to disclose his/her user name, password or other means of accessing the personal accounts, social media, etc.