Restriction Explanation
Ban-the-Box 3: Use of criminal record only after conditional offer of employment Employer may inquire about an individual’s “conviction record” within the past 10 years, excluding any period of incarceration. This restriction includes public employers – such as the state.
Prohibits salary history inquiry during hiring process Employers are prohibited from inquiring about an applicant’s past salary, per Hawaii Revised Stat.§378.
State Public Employees – Ban-the-Box Provisions A public employer may only order a credit report after an offer of employment has been made, but only certain circumstances.
State Public Employees – Ban-the-Box Provisions A Public Employer may inquire about an individual’s “conviction record” within the past 10 years, excluding any period of incarceration. This restriction includes public employers – such as the state.
Use of credit report An employer may only order a credit report after an offer of employment has been made, but only certain circumstances.