Restriction Explanation
Ban-the-Box 2: Use of criminal record only at/after interview Effective 01/01/2014 Rhode Island became a “ban the box” state. This law provides that all employers may not inquire about “convictions” until the first job interview or thereafter. The statute also affects public employers.
State Public Employees – Ban-the-Box Provisions Effective 01/01/2014 public employers may not inquire about “convictions” until the first job interview or thereafter.
Use of arrest record with no conviction No employer, except law enforcement may ask applicant if he has been arrested. An employer may ask about convictions.
Use of credit report Employer must advise consumer that credit report has been ordered.
Use of Social Media Password Information An employer cannot require, coerce, or request an employee or applicant to disclose the password or any other means for accessing a personal social media account. An employer cannot compel an employee or applicant to add anyone, including the employer or agent, to the contact list associated with a personal social media account, plus require, request, or cause an employee or applicant to alter settings that affect a third party’s ability to view the contents of a personal social media account.